The College of Integrated Philosophy
A gathering place for enquiry, connection and realization.
John de Ruiter opened The College of Integrated Philosophy in Edmonton to facilitate weekly meetings, seminars, and special events. The purpose of The College is to make John and his teachings available, furthering the evolution of human consciousness. The environment reflects the delicateness, simplicity, and depth of John’s teaching.
The College depends on staff and volunteers with the support of those who attend meetings with John. The College features The Jewel Cafe where people speak with John in a more relaxed setting. Other events held at The College include monthly film viewings, garden parties, and the two finest – the Western Style Barbecue and the New Year’s Eve celebration. Trust, sincerity and respect uplift the social environment around meetings with John. The vitality of the community comes from a shared interest in profound integrity and evolution.

John de Ruiter opened The College of Integrated Philosophy in Edmonton to facilitate weekly meetings, seminars, and special events. The purpose of The College is to make John and his teachings available, furthering the evolution of human consciousness. The environment reflects the delicateness, simplicity, and depth of John’s teaching.
The College depends on staff and volunteers with the support of those who attend meetings with John. The College features The Jewel Cafe where people speak with John in a more relaxed setting. Other events held at The College include monthly film viewings, garden parties, and the two finest – the Western Style Barbecue and the New Year’s Eve celebration. Trust, sincerity and respect uplift the social environment around meetings with John. The vitality of the community comes from a shared interest in profound integrity and evolution.
“The more open you are within, the more capacity you will have to know, to see, to meet, and to love.”
—John de Ruiter
Weekly Meetings
Fridays, Sundays, and Mondays, about 300 people get together at The College, for coffee, tea, dining, and meetings of profound inner realization. Meetings vary each week, with new insights in dialogue and silence.
Meetings are a unique opportunity for awakening and growth, to see new depths in you and witness other people learning, opening, and healing. These meetings can be the encounter of a lifetime — and they take place every week.
Quarterly Seminars
John’s seminars include multiple meetings over several days with time also spent in The Cafe. Over this extended time, themes develop as questioners draw from previous talks. Like the threads of discussion, the energy grows as well. The result is a culminating occurrence of profound meaning.
The Jewel Cafe
The Jewel Cafe is a vibrant social space which supports the developments in meetings. High quality food, drink, and conversation are highlights in this beautiful setting.
Special Events
The New Year’s Eve party, Western Style BBQ, Cinema Nights, and other festivities are an excellent complement to the meetings and seminars.
Information and discussion on College events and topics.
Audio Highlight: Drive Thru Café Piano Accompaniment
Bring the cozy ambience of the February 12, 2021 Drive Thru Café to your ears! Ninety minutes of piano accompaniment by Lasse, Rosanne, Johannes and
Text Highlight: Cinema Night Open Mic January 11, 2018
This excerpt from an Open Mic followed the movie, Midnight Special, shown at a Cinema Night at the College in Edmonton on January 11, 2018.

Cinema Night: Pre-movie Announcement, December 8, 2019 Edmonton, Canada
This Tuesday, December 10, there’s a cinema night at the College. The movie is family-friendly. I think it’s PG13. It’s just an inoffensive pleasure for
Text Highlight: Fairness Isn’t It. But What Matters More?
This excerpt is from a conversation at a table in the Jewel Café on June 27, 2019, some of the questioners comments are paraphrased. Q:
Text Highlight: Developing Perspective At Work And In Living
These conversations were part of a Staff & Volunteer Gathering on March 16, 2019 in Edmonton. Q1: Can you say something about balancing work and
Text Highlight: If It Doesn’t Reach, It’s Not Feedback
This is an excerpt from a staff discussion session held at The College with John and Leigh Ann on September 18, 2018. The topic was