Conclusions and Clarity

Luncheon dialogue with John de Ruiter on May 8, 2015 “What I’m doing in this life is most unusual. I’m really clear about that and all of the choices that I’ve made are based on what I know.” —John de Ruiter Click play below to listen to this audio: This audio is not available for download.

The Jewel Cafe May 17 and May 18

Wedding Cafe will open immediately after the wedding. Salads, wraps and fine pastries All items are available to go for the garden Victoria Day – Monday, May 18 Cafe is open 5.30 pm for raw desserts, selection of cookies, coffee and tea only.

Summer Seminar Registration

Early Bird pricing available until Monday, May 25 Informal Gatherings sign up is now part of the Seminar registration. Online registration closes on Monday, June 15. [button color=”extra-color-1″ hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”large” url=”” text=”Register Here” color_override=””]

A message from the College

A year ago we all learned of the passing of our friend Anina Hundsdoerfer. She was an intelligent, thoughtful and caring person, who was loved by everyone at The College of Integrated Philosophy. Recently, some individuals circulated speculation about Anina, relying on selective extracts from her diary. Several of Anina’s close friends have voluntarily come […]