Video & Audio Highlights: Tiruvannamalai, India Seminar 2016

Audio Downloads & Video on Demand

Stay tuned for more reviews coming soon!

To access all of the audio downloads from the Tiruvannamalai, India Seminar 2016
John de Ruiter Audio MP3s

To access all of the video on demand from the Tiruvannamalai, India Seminar 2016
John de Ruiter VODs.

Audio Downloads Highlights

Audio 299 – Knowing Meaning in the Stars – January 22 & 30 Morning, 2016

Two stellar talks are included in this audio download:

The first talk is about being taken by a deeper, cosmic truth. Looking out into the stars and knowing the meaning that is beyond… And then, coming out into life, believing the truth that is known. Pure Enjoyment free of promise and pain. An enjoyment that comes by love… (also available as a VOD – see below).

The questioner, at first resisting what she knows and then as the talk continues, she begins to awaken. An extensive teaching, one of those where just listening to it we are taken on a journey and at the end of it, we are not the same… lot’s of new topics.

“Instead of watching the truth that you know in your heart, be taken by the cosmic truth that’s just beneath that. It doesn’t offer an understanding. It does offer a sense of context within which your opened humanness sits.”

The second talk is about so many things… rich and full of so much guidance. It starts with the questioner asking about being annoyed, especially in the context of relationship. John talks about real relationship, dearness in relationship, self importance what it means to be annoyed by something or by another person, and how to deal with that. Then there’s a whole part about darkness, what it is and does it really exist? and then a very detailed explanation about relaxing as awareness and being one with code, code and truth in the context of spirituality, authentic and artificial code, spirituality in the market place, and finally manifesting love in this world.  Also available as a VOD.

“When you are annoyed, you are trapped within an artificial code that gives a sense of meaning that has no goodness in it, a sense of meaning that isn’t inherent to what you really are. Its basis is that of an illusion.”

“Truth is code. There’s coding to what you really are. You can separate from it, or you can be one with it.”


Audio 300 – Realizing Your Destiny – January 25 Morning, 2016

What is destiny? How do we know our destiny? How does it change? What is our future self? A blast of a talk… John answers a young man with a complete teaching on the future self, the different levels of destiny and shifting beyond heart destiny. John explains the mechanism of the ego, self importance and the nature of illusion. How to be relaxed at the core and free of need, becoming an authentic identity. Our levels of choice determine the future self. Coming from the deeper levels we are infused by unseen power, enabling us to see our future.

“The deeper the level that you come from consciously as awareness, the greater the unseen power from within your being that infuses your self as you live. In that way from within that level of destiny you are able to clearly know your future, the future of your self, and what that will be in that level of life.”

The second talk is about the seeker, the door, and entrance. Mostly it’s about love. John, speaking from the other side of the door, shows us how to enter… true control, pain and longing and response are discussed. Only love has passage.

Also available as a VOD.

“The seeker cannot sustain the pain of loss, while you awareness are free to lay down all of the substance of your self and the seeker at the door uneventfully while you alone pass through. There is no pain, no loss. Your movement through the door is only that of love. Pure beingness is your response in entering. The passage in entrance is purely beautiful.”


Audio 301 – Awakening to All of Your Brain – January 26, 2016 Morning 

Probably my favorite meeting from Tiru. What does it mean to really embody and live by your being? What happens to the brain? You know how there’s all these theories about how people are using only 4% precent of their brain, that there’s so much more capacity to the brain. I always thought that as we awaken and live what we know, the brain usage increases in increments. John blows all of that out of the water! He says that when we awaken, it goes right to 100%. Or in his words:
“When you, awareness, are in complete, unreserved response to all you know is surrender, your brain is freed to be in that same measure of response to your multileveled being. When it begins to open in that way, its movement and development are compounded beyond what the 4% can even relate to. The 96% of the rest of all of reality infuses completely the 4%. It’s like the 4% being 96 % not itself any more.”


Audio 302 – Streaming as a Being – January 27, 2016 Morning 

Fundamental explanations on streaming as a being, a major theme in this seminar, and on proximity. New and profound. Started as a basic talk, then developed into much more. Sleep, the tipping point into what you really are. A comprehensive teaching on the fundamentals of what you really are through openness and softness of heart. We already have a lot of talks and quotes on openness and softness of heart but I find this one is unique and new, carrying a different resonance. Laying hold of John as a being, responding to what’s moving in the room, having and taking explained. Your only way home within, your real life in the midst your life. Awareness pure, your continuity in all of your forms. This audio download includes also an informal gathering talk about being what you really are in the context of the soul.

“Within every bit of movement in your use of your being you’re bringing into you an awakening of your being, by wrestling with what you’re responding to. It’s like a pure love wrestle. It’s a powerful communing.”

Audio 303 – Being and Creating Meaning – February 2 Morning, 2016

The three talks in this download are all about being what you really are. The first talk is very comprehensive, from beginner to advanced. Openness and softness of heart, meaning, experience, moving in your being and as a being, depth of access, freedom. Wonderfully new and deep. The second talk further expands on being what you really are, into the practical. Innocence and enthusiasm, self gratification, creation, good and bad. The third talk includes new and very touching teaching on falling down and getting back up brings the topic of being what you really are into love.

“Creating is earned. Being what you really are isn’t earned, it’s free. And it is free of everything that’s yours.”

“That healing of your self has no dependency on your self, the healing of your self is completely dependent on you being what you really are at any cost to your self.”

“The only movement of what you really are is love.”

Video on Demand Highlights

Oneness Provides for Everything – January 21, 2016 Morning 

A beautiful meeting with three talks about being, opening and oneness. Profound, deeply touching and full of strong quotes that reach deep inside. The first talk is short yet powerful. The questioner asks about experiencing recurring headaches. John in his answer talks about beingness and oneness without result or benefit. Quieted Okayness in the Midst of Headaches.

“The more unwell your body and your mind are, while you’re responding to your own being, the more deeply you’ll go into your own being, because it’s the only resource that’s real for you.

The second talk is about drawing conclusions concerning the mind, creating mechanisms of control. A practical explanation about how patterns are created and secured by emotions and how to break free of that. Difficult means it’s possible!

“When you’re coming from your being, you won’t have problems; you have openings.”

In the third talk, the questioner talks about being in not knowing. John explains what that is, and the questioner begins to awaken, a really beautiful response to the connection. And, “Where you open, there is no lack. “

I loved this meeting. The words are like fire, the teaching diverse and it’s nice to see three very different questioners, two of them newcomers.

Knowing Meaning in the Stars – January 22, 2016 Morning

This one is a “wow”… first questioner, at first resisting what she knows and then as the meeting continues, begins to awaken. An extensive teaching, one of those where just watching it we are taken on a journey and at the end of it, we are not the same… lot’s of new topics. First John opens the context and then within it, opens us into cosmic beingness. A context for opened humanness, taken by a Cosmic truth, meaning on the level of the stars…

Being taken by a deeper, cosmic truth that is beneath. That’s how we turn into meaning. And then coming out into life, believing the truth that is known. Pure Enjoyment free of promise and pain. An enjoyment that comes by love.

“Instead of watching the truth that you know in your heart, be taken by the cosmic truth that’s just beneath that. It doesn’t offer an understanding. It does offer a sense of context within which your opened humanness sits.”

By the time you get to the second questioner… so much happening that this one is a bonus, a cherry on the cake 🙂 A short and sweet talk about being in your heart.

“While the monkeys of struggle are running about your self, enjoy being in your heart.”


Realizing Your Destiny – January 25, 2016 Morning

A blast of a meeting… John answers a young man with a complete teaching on the future self, the different levels of destiny and shifting beyond heart destiny. John explains the mechanism of the ego, self importance and the nature of illusion. How to be relaxed at the core, free of need, becoming an authentic identity. Levels of choice determine the future self. Coming from the deeper levels we are infused by unseen power, enabling us to see our future .

“The deeper the level that you come from consciously as awareness, the greater the unseen power from within your being that infuses your self as you live. In that way from within that level of destiny you are able to clearly know your future, the future of your self, and what that will be in that level of life.”

The second talk is about the seeker, the door, and entrance. Mostly it’s about love. John, speaking from the other side of the door, shows us how to enter… true control, pain and longing and response are discussed. Only love has passage.

“The seeker cannot sustain the pain of loss, while you awareness are free to lay down all of the substance of your self and the seeker at the door uneventfully while you alone pass through. There is no pain, no loss. Your movement through the door is only that of love. Pure beingness is your response in entering. The passage in entrance is purely beautiful.”

Also highly recommended:

Awakening to All of Your Brain – January 26 Morning

Awareness One with Code – January 30, 2016 Morning 

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