In this talk the questioner asks about belief and giving power away. John’s response is to take full responsibility for your intellect and thinking, giving away no power to fear, negativity, other people, or hasty conclusions.
Q: I’d really love to identify more precisely what belief is. I think lately I’ve approached consciously believing. Sunday night it seemed to me that I was opening to something deeper and then I react to that in some way, like protecting my heart. I often have a pain in my physical heart in our connections, like the edges of my heart, and then I go through some fear. I’ve seen in that fearing losing personal sovereignty and it feels like I’m out of control. I don’t have the control that I’m usually using. I’d love to move past that fear.
I had a dream in which I was being manipulated by a scientist. I had wires connected to me and I could no longer move my body as I wanted to. I was trying to move my arm and it wouldn’t move; the scientist had that power. I was starting to fear that I was being abused. I noticed that she was entering my mind; she was inserting thoughts into my mind and using my mind to materialize concepts. All my freedom had been taken away and the only freedom I had left was belief. I had a choice to believe those concepts or not. I was quite excited that I had that choice and that I was able to choose not to believe it. I’d like to apply that to that fear that comes up, in not minding it and not believing it.
John: You’ve created the scientist in the giving away of your power, as a person giving your mind away to something, to a conclusion, that you’re not actually clear about, and in your self taking things to heart that you’re not actually clear about.
Q: So it’s not just something I’m doing in the dream, but it’s consistently so?
John: It’s how you’re taught, until you’ve awakened to it, seeing it for what it is, realizing how you function as belief, as a person, as a self, and as awareness in what is deeper than your self.
Belief is what controls your interactions, your interactions as a person.
Q: I’m interested in what you said about giving my power away. Is there something about a lack of responsibility in that? If I were to assume responsibility, I’d be believing what is clear, and that would change everything.
John: As soon as you draw a conclusion as a person in your mind, a conclusion that isn’t in line with your clarity, then it is your own belief that you use to circumvent clarity.
Belief not based on clarity alleviates you of responsibility. Belief based on clarity increases your responsibility.
Q Is it possible that I have mistaken what clarity is? In drawing conclusions, it might make sense to me, but that’s not real clarity.
John: As soon as you want something to be true, that need is then your clarity. It is what you have made to be clear…that isn’t.
Q: I’m curious why did you mention personal interactions? Would you give me an example I could easily relate to?
John: For you to be in control of your own person is for you to be in control of your conclusions in your interactions with others. As a person, how persuadable are you? Can you be persuaded of something without being convinced of something? How quickly will you draw a conclusion without actually being clear in your mind? The more well-thought-through you are in your conclusions, the more responsibility that you’ve taken for your thinking.
Q: I can see that I often draw quick conclusions. When you speak about clarity, then, that’s something very different, it’s not necessarily profound. This can be practical. When it’s something practical, I can easily be persuaded if it makes sense.
John: When knowledge has your belief, and clarity in your heart and in your mind has your belief, you’ll have the control of your person and of your self. Realize where you don’t have control of your person and of your self, and you’ll be able to recall your invested belief from where it doesn’t belong. In that way you’ll be regaining consciously all of your power as belief. It’s easier to see it in your person than your self, and it’s easier to see it in your self than in what you are as awareness.
Q: So I can start with any wishful thinking. And by that, the result of doing that would be summoning my belief from all the aspects where I’ve spent it? Yes. It can be in the little things.
That’s good. I think I’ve overlooked them.
John: How easily disappointed are you? That’s belief given away to where it doesn’t belong.
Q: I haven’t taken that seriously. It’s good that you’ve pointed that out to me. It seems in a way quite straight-forward work. I’m surprised I’ve overlooked it.
John: If you have fear then you have ill-placed core belief. As soon as you have fear, your feet are placed in lack. With your feet placed in lack it is because you’ve stepped out of knowledge, believing the truth of something that isn’t based in knowledge. The lack within comes from your own separation as awareness from knowledge. In being separated in some way from knowledge you are then incomplete. The incompleteness has you experiencing lack. The incompleteness in the lack puts you into fear.
Q: I sometimes have difficulty identifying what I know. I understand that what underlies fear is misplaced belief, but then to shift into knowing is a totally different story.
John: Concerning what you don’t know, begin with what you do know. It doesn’t matter how little you know. Have your feet only in that.
Q: Is this possible in practical ways, as well? Knowing what I’m clear about usually isn’t practical.
John: Concerning practical things, have only an honest use of your intellect. Like taking responsibility for your powers of intellect. You can use your intellect to support something that you know the truth of, or you can use your intellect to support a feeling or an emotion. You can use your intellect to support a contraction, or you can use your intellect to open up a contraction.
Q: I’ve misapplied not minding in a way that I haven’t taken care perhaps where I could.
John: The difference is being conscious in it.
Q: And a lot of these conclusions happen without me even noticing it. It’s also to unravel that.
John: Summoning all of your belief, summoning all of your belief into your awareness, has you also summoning all of your responsibility into your awareness. Summoning your belief brings you into awakening.
Q: So I’ve been missing out on some homework. That takes some time, or can it be instant?
John: That depends on how much gravity realization has.
Q: You mean how deep that realization goes?
John: As an example, yes.
Q: What do you mean by gravity?
John: What gives you the experience of the weight of something? Thinking and feeling, or realization?
Q: If you mean weight in terms of value, then realization.
John: Moving as awareness into realization means that awareness is coming from knowledge. You’re able to come to knowledge without the use of thought and feeling. You’re able to come to it directly. Then it is Knowledge that empowers thought and feeling, instead of an ill-drawn conclusion.
Q: Is it correct that you’re indicating to me that I know more than I have taken responsibility for?
John: Where you have negative emotion, you’re not taking responsibility for your self.
Q: That’s right. I can say that I know better in those moments. Thank you